Senin, 25 April 2016



Niken Yuanita, 15211166
PI. Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma, 2013
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction

Satisfying customer needs is the desire of every company. In addition to the factors important for the survival of the company, to satisfy the needs of consumers can increase competitive advantage. Consumers who are satisfied with the products and services are likely to buy back the products and reuse services at the same time needs to reappear later. This means satisfaction is a key factor for consumers to make repeat purchases which represent the largest portion of the company's sales volume. Consumer satisfaction is the level of consumers' feelings after comparing between what she received and hopes (Umar, 2005: 65). A customer, if satisfied with the value provided by the product or service, it is very likely to become a customer for a long time.

According to Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller quoted from the book Marketing Management said that Customer Satisfaction is feeling happy or disappointed someone who emerged after comparing the performance (yield) of products considered against the expected performance (2007: 177).

Rabu, 06 April 2016

The roads to the Borobudur and Mendut

The roads to the Borobudur and Mendut

It's the story of my vacation at the end of last June. I brought the family a trip to Yogyakarta. So that there is a different experience for my brothers, so we went by plane and return to Bandung by train. Actually I have quite often to Yogyakarta, but bring my brothers new this time.
In Yogya place that must be visited especially if not Keraton and Malioboro Street. Yogya is synonymous with two attractions that. If you want a little out of town there are some areas that need to be visited, which is to the north of Mount Merapi (the former cottage Mbah Maridjan legendary), and south to Parangtritis.
The roads to Yogya incomplete to Borobudur. Borobudur is synonymous with travel packages to Yogyakarta, although administratively the temple is located in the province of Central Java, Magelang regency precisely d. But within Yogya to Boroubudur much closer than this temple to Semarang (Central Java capital), therefore the Borobudur temple as if it "belongs" Yogyakarta.
From Yogya we rented a car travel (Innova) for the roads to the temple. Due to the holiday period, the prices of rental car travel (plus driver) is quite expensive as well, ie 400 thousand rupiah to pack 12 hours. Of hotel accommodation (Adoration in front of Hotel Tugu Station), we also take the route that is long enough to Magelang regency. Entering Muntilan Magelang until we can see the remnants of lava of Merapi volcano which erupted last year. Large stones in the river is clearly visible is new and comes from Mount Merapi.
After a journey of about an hour, we arrived to the Borobudur temple complex. To get into the temple area is the price of the ticket sukup expensive, which Rp30,000 / person. We are not allowed to carry heavy foods such as cooked rice for fear of polluting or damaging the temple. If they are allowed to bring drinks. There yanhg officers raided the bags of visitors, if there is food it must be deposited at deposit bags. From the parking lot we had to walk quite a distance (about 1 km) to the temple area, quite tiring in the middle of the scorching hot weather.

Well, the next struggle was to climb the stairs rather long it is,
Having walked up the stairs, we came to the top of Borobudur. From the top of the temple appeared natural landscape with Mount Merapi in Central Java in the distance.

See Candi Borobudur including the wonders of the world and when seen from close terdecak awe unto the fathers of our nation. Really clever they built the temple of Borobudur with reliefs on the temple walls were so detailed. Relief that describe the journey of the Buddha. It really is great, the architect of the temple named Gunadarma it. Although not the majority Buddhists in Indonesia, but the existence of this temple are protected and cared for.
Finally got around to the main stupa, stupa Borobudur highest peak
Incomplete without a visit to Borobudur temple one another, namely Mendut. Actually Mendut we skip this first before getting to Borobudur, Mendut but really should be visited on the way home after of Borobudur.
Mendut graceful
In the lobby Mendut
Actually not satisfied surrounds these two temples, but because of the limited time we were rushing to leave him because chasing the sunset in Turkish Parangteritis. Hopefully later was able to get there again.